All Time Love Page 15
“I am so sorry, Mason,” Amelia said.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” he smiled as he pulled her to him once more. “Now, Ms. Wells, have you any more questions you would like to ask me?”
Amelia had one, something that had been bothering her since the night before, but she didn’t know how to ask him.
“Amelia,” Mason said sensing there was something she was holding back. “What is it you are not saying?”
Amelia couldn’t find the words.
“Okay,” Mason said, sitting up straight in the bed and looking at Amelia. “Now you have me worried. So talk.”
“It’s nothing,” Amelia said sitting up in the bed and pulling the sheet up over her. “It’s just, we had unprotected sex yesterday.”
“And you are worried I might have given you something,” Mason said matter-of-factly.
“I guess I…” Amelia mumbled without looking at Mason.
“Amelia,” Mason said taking her by the chin and tilting her face up to look at him. “I have never had unprotected sex with anyone except you. I am tested regularly, but I never take chances. At least not until I met you. I told you, I don’t know what you have done to me, but I am not the same man I once was.”
Amelia was lost for words so she just smiled, touched by what he had said.
Mason leaned forward and softly kissed Amelia. Then wrapped her in his arms and lay back down.
“Now time for sleep,” Mason said holding her in his arms tightly. “We need to get your job back tomorrow. Then we will figure out a way to make things right with your dad.”
His kissed her on the head and snuggled her against him.
“Goodnight, Amelia,” Mason whispered.
“Goodnight, Mason,” Amelia replied.
Amelia lay there in the darkness and listened as Mason’s breathing slowed and she knew he was asleep. She lifted her head and looked at a sleeping Mason. She softly kissed his cheek and whispered. “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
She rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Finally, she drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 21
Mason woke and smiled when he opened his eyes, and he saw Amelia sleeping next to him. He was surprised that she had come to him during the night, but had to admit that he was happy she had.
He lay there and watched her sleeping, wishing that he didn’t have to get up and leave her soon, but he did. He needed to be in court by nine and then he needed to begin making plans about his future. He wanted to get some advice on what his options were.
Andrew and Mason talked long into the previous night about what he should do to make things right with Amelia’s father. Mason was surprised when Andrew told him, he understood how Charlie Wells felt. That if he was honest, he hated that Mason defended some of the assholes that he did.
It had never occurred to Mason, that what he did might have been an issue for his best friend, but clearly it was. He knew Andrew was a cop, and therefore quite often they were on opposing sides of the courtroom. It never occurred to Mason that this sometimes put Andrew in a difficult position, but it had.
When Andrew left, Mason went to bed and lay there for what seemed like forever, trying to figure out what his next move should be. He had a lot to put right.
When did I become such a prick? He thought to himself as he watched Amelia sleep. And just what is it that this girl sees in me?”
He checked his watch and it was almost eight. He sighed as he reluctantly slipped his legs out of the bed and set his feet down on the cold, wooden floors.
“What time is it?” Amelia asked as she suddenly rolled over in the bed and sat up to watch Mason.
“Almost eight,” Mason said as he turned back to Amelia and stretched across the bed to kiss her. “I have to be in court by nine, but you are welcome to stay here as long as you want.”
“Actually, I think I should get up, too,” Amelia said as she too sat up in the bed. “I want to go speak to Annie this morning about getting my job back. I might ask her for extra hours, too.”
“Why would you need to do that?” Mason asked, giving her a questioning look.
“Well,” Amelia began slowly and Mason could sense her reluctance to say what the problem was. “Don’t freak out okay, but I don’t think my dad will be helping me pay for my apartment any time soon, so I will need the extra hours to make up the money.”
“No you don’t,” Mason said matter-of-factly as he stood up from the bed. He didn’t even look at Amelia. “I already told you, I would take care of your rent. There is no need for you to work extra hours to make it up.”
“And I have told you, I don’t want you to,” Amelia sighed. “Mason, you promised you would not do this. If this is how it’s going to be, I can’t stay here.”
“I know I did,” Mason replied. “But that was before everything fell apart and I know I am to blame for what has happened between you and your dad. This is all my fault.”
“That doesn’t mean I am your problem,” Amelia said as she got up out of bed, pulling the sheet with her to cover herself. She scanned the floor for the t-shirt she had been wearing the night before.
“Amelia,” Mason said as he watched her. He could feel his frustration bubble inside. “Why must you fight me on everything?”
“Mason,” she sighed impatiently as she bent down and picked up her t-shirt from the floor. “I am not fighting you. I just want to do this myself. Please try to understand.”
“What’s so wrong with me helping you?” Mason asked as he watched her pull her t-shirt over her head. “Why does that make me such a monster?”
“It doesn’t,” Amelia said as she walked up to Mason and softly touched his face. “I am grateful for the offer, but if I am ever to show my dad that I am not some helpless child, I need to stand on my own two feet.”
“What if you just stay here then?” Mason asked but he already knew the answer. “Would that not solve everything?”
“It’s too soon,” Amelia said with a smile. “Please don’t make this any harder than it needs to be. I don’t want us to have to keep having this same argument over and over.”
Mason looked at her for a moment. There was so much more he wanted to say, but he really didn’t have the time to continue this argument. It would have to keep for now.
“Fine,” Mason begrudgingly agreed. “But I will not stand for you moving into any old apartment. It needs to be somewhere acceptable. I want to know at the very least, that you are safe in your own home. Is that clear?”
“Crystal,” Amelia said with a smile before she disappeared out the door and headed back to her own room.
Mason turned and headed to his bathroom. He was running late now, and was not happy that he had to back down with Amelia. He would discuss this matter further with her when he got home.
He dressed in a black pinstripe, three-piece suit, white shirt and purple tie. He selected a pair of silver cufflinks Sadie had bought for him the day he passed the bar and slipped them into the cuffs of his shirt. He checked his appearance in the mirror one more time before he left his room.
When he reached the kitchen he pulled out his cereal box and a bowl from the cupboard before he opened the fridge and took out the milk. He quickly poured some cereal but didn’t even bother to sit down to eat them, instead he shovelled them into his mouth standing against the kitchen sink.
“Froot loops?” Amelia said as she walked into the kitchen wearing a summer dress and her damp hair caught up in a hair tie on the top of her head. She gave Mason an amused look. “Really?”
“What’s wrong with froot loops?” Mason asked, giving Amelia a questioning look.
“Nothing,” Amelia laughed before she added. “If you’re under twelve years old.”
“Are you laughing at me, Ms. Wells?” Mason smirked as he set his bowl down on the kitchen counter. He walked around the island in the centre, to where Amelia was standing. Amelia took a step back and giggled nervously. “That’s not
very nice, now is it? I should take you back to my bedroom and teach you a lesson that you will not forget in a hurry.”
“A…a lesson?” Amelia swallowed hard.
Mason slipped his arms around Amelia’s waist and drew her to him.
“The things I would love to do to you,” he growled as he looked down into her eyes before he calmed her lips with his. He could feel the want emanating from Amelia and instantly he could feel his cock react. “Ugghhh! What is this power you have over me, Amelia?”
She looked up into his eyes and Mason was sure that she could see inside him, see the real man that was buried deep inside and that scared him.
“I have to go,” Mason said as he reluctantly released her from his embrace. “I will call you once I get out of court. There is a spare key on the hall table for you. The code to get up to the penthouse in the elevator is on the fob on the key. Should you need anything, call the number I gave you, my calls will go to my assistant, Sophie. She will take care of you until I am out of court, should something come up.”
“Okay,” Amelia nodded before Mason kissed her once more, then turned and headed out into the hallway. He grabbed his briefcase and made his way out to the elevator.
Twenty minutes later Mason hurried up the steps of the court house. He had gone over his notes in the car for the case. It was just a routine appearance, but one Mason wished he didn’t have to do.
He needed to make some calls, and talk to a friend of his, regarding the possibility of walking away from the firm he was with, and that included walking away from his client list, too. He wanted to make sure he did things correctly.
Mason thought about Amelia and wondered if she would be able to secure her job back in the bookstore. He hoped she would, he knew she was already stressing over finding a new apartment, and also over the situation with her father. He was afraid that if she has lost her job too, she would have second thoughts and return to Hartford.
Mason tried to clear his mind as he stood for the judge, and the court proceeding got underway. He needed to focus on the task at hand.
It was a little before twelve when he got back to his office.
“Any calls for me, Sophie?” Mason asked as he reached the door of his office. He had tried to call Amelia when he left court, but there was no reply.
“No calls, sir,” Sophie replied as she stood up. “But Mr. Bryant has requested you call into his office once you have a spare moment.”
“Okay, thank you Sophie,” Mason said as he opened his door to walk inside, but stopped and turned back to Sophie. He walked up to her desk and spoke in a quiet voice, not wanting anyone else to hear him. “Can you get me Carter Grant on the phone Sophie, put him through to my office once you have him on the line.
“Certainly, sir,” Sophie nodded and picked up her phone.
Mason turned and walked into his office, closing the door behind him. He had barely taken his seat, when his intercom sounded.
“Yes, Sophie,” Mason said as he hit the button.
“Sir, Mr. Grant is on line one for you,” Sophie informed Mason.
“Thank you, Sophie,” he said as he picked up the receiver and pressed one.
“Mason James,” Carter Grant said in his familiar Texan drawl. “How the hell are ya, boy?”
“Not too bad, Carter,” Mason said with a smile. He liked Carter Grant. Mason had met Carter in college and had considered him a good ally since. There were few men Mason trusted in this world. Carter Grant was one of them. “How is Caroline?”
“She is as big as a house,” Carter bellowed with laughter. “The twins are due any day now. Don’t tell her I said that mind, since she got pregnant, she is meaner than a skillet full of rattlesnakes.”
“My lips are sealed,” Mason laughed.
“So, Mason,” Carter said sounding suddenly serious. “I take it this isn’t a social call. What can I do you for?”
“I need some advice,” Mason said, knowing he was placing all of his trust in this man. “I want to know, as partner, where do I stand on going my separate ways from the firm?”
“Woah! Carter exclaimed. “Mace, I must admit, I was not expecting you to say that. What’s happened?”
“It’s complicated,” Mason sighed. “I just need to know where I stand, legally.”
“Why don’t you start from the beginning,” Carter said.
Thirty minutes later, a far more relieved Mason was walking down the corridor to the office of Rodger Bryant, Mason’s senior partner. When he reached the office, he knocked on the door, knowing that Rodger was expecting him.
“Ah Mason,” Rodger said the minute he saw Mason walking through the door. He was standing next to his mahogany bar, pouring a drink. “The very man I was just talking about.”
“All good, I hope,” Mason said.
“Always Mason,” Rodger said as he turned and walked towards the corner sofa that was positioned behind where Mason was standing. He turned and stopped dead in his tracks, when he saw Simone Anderson sitting there, with a knowing grin on her face.
“You remember Simone,” Rodger said as he handed Simone her drink and then took a seat across from her. “Don’t you?”
“Of course,” Mason replied with a tight smile. “Nice to see you again, Simone.”
“Mason,” she purred as her eyes raked over him, making him feel uncomfortable.
“Mason,” Rodger began and Mason turned to look at him. “It would seem that Colton Jr has gotten himself into a spot of bother, and he may need our help.
“I see,” Mason said, trying his best to hide his frustration.
“Why don’t you take a seat and we can bring you up to speed” Rodger suggested.
Mason sighed and took his seat. The sooner I am out of here for once and for all, the better.
Chapter 22
Amelia keyed in the code for the elevator to take her up to the top floor and Mason’s apartment. She had a mixed sort of day. She called into the book store and was delighted that Annie was thrilled to have her back, and even asked her to do a few hours straight away.
As she left the store a few hours later, she bumped into Jeremy. He told her that she needed to go home and make things right with her dad, to which she told him, it was none of his business, before she walked away and left him standing in the street, speechless.
She walked and walked to try to calm herself down before she returned to Mason’s apartment. Before she knew where she was, she was standing in front of her old apartment building. She wondered if maybe her apartment was still available.
She sat on the front stoop and called the building manager. She crossed her fingers as the call connected, but it was no use. The manager told her that the apartment was snapped up earlier that day.
She let herself into Mason’s apartment but she felt uneasy being in his home without him being there. She set her bag down on the hall table before she made her way down the corridor to the kitchen. She wondered if she should start dinner or something, but she had no idea where Mason was, or what time he would be home.
She decided she would wait for him to get back before she started dinner. Then the thought occurred to her, she didn’t even know what he liked to eat. She barely knew him at all, yet here she was, in his apartment.
Amelia sighed as she made her way back to the hallway and grabbed her handbag before she headed down the hall to the spare room. She wanted to call her mom, but first she wanted to change her clothes.
Once she had changed, she climbed up on to the bed, and pulled her phone from her bag. Amelia saw that she had a couple of missed calls from Mason, and wondered how she hadn’t heard it ring. She decided to call him once she was finished talking to her mother. She brought up her mother’s phone number and stared at the number for a few moments before she hit dial. She held her breath as the call connected.
“Milly!” Shannon said the moment she answered her phone and Amelia could hear the relief in her voice. “Sweetheart, are you okay? I have been worried s
ick about you.”
“Hi, Mom,” Amelia said as she fought hard to keep control of her emotions. The last thing she wanted was to have her mother worry any more than she already was. “I’m okay. How are you and Dad?”
“Upset,” her mother replied honestly and Amelia’s heart ached. “Worried, heart-broken and a little angry.”
“I’m so sorry, Mom,” Amelia said as she blinked back the tears. “I didn’t want to upset you. That was the last thing I wanted.”
“I am not angry with you, Milly,” Shannon replied to her daughter. “You are the one person I am not even a little mad at.”
“I don’t want you fighting with Dad,” Amelia said as she brushed the tears from her face. “I can’t bear that I have caused trouble between you both. I just want things to be like they used to be. I don’t want dad to be mad at me.”
“This is not your doing, Sweetheart,” Shannon assured her daughter. “You are a grown woman and you should be allowed to live your life how you want to, and it’s our job as parents, to love you regardless. Your dad is stubborn, but he needs to understand that.”
“I just want you and Daddy to be okay,” Amelia whispered sadly. She hated that her parents were arguing over her. This was the last thing she wanted.
“And we will be,” Shannon replied and Amelia could hear the smile in her voice. “Now tell me, how are things with you?”
Amelia told her mother that she was staying with Mason, how he had given her his spare room. She left out the part where she went to him the night before. She told her about her getting her job back in the bookstore, and finally, she told her about her run in with Jeremy and the argument they had.
“What in God’s name is wrong with that boy?” Shannon sighed impatiently. “I think perhaps Jeremy’s intentions may be a little self-serving. Mason has certainly put his nose out of place.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” Amelia replied, feeling confused. She couldn’t understand why Jeremy was so bothered.