All Time Love Page 16
“Come on, Amelia,” Shannon said with a laugh. “You know that boy is crazy about you. He always has been.”
“We’re just friends,” Amelia insisted. “There was never anything more between Jeremy and me. There never will be either.”
“I know, Milly,” Shannon replied matter-of-factly. “But surely you knew he was in love with you. He has been since you two were little kids.”
“No!” Amelia said adamantly. “I didn’t know. Not that it matters anyway because I don’t feel that way about him. Right now, I don’t even know if we can ever be friends again.”
“Don’t say that, Milly” Shannon replied. “Things will settle down between you two, just like they will with your father. I know it will. Just give it a little time.”
“I hope so,” Amelia sighed. “Because this is killing me.”
She talked to her mom for about ten more minutes before they said their goodbyes and Amelia hung up. She set her phone down on the night stand next to the bed, then flopped back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling above her bed.
Amelia blew out a long deep breath and rubbed her tired eyes. She felt so down and defeated.
How did I end up in this mess? Amelia thought miserably. Why does everything have to be a battle? And battles I never win.
She could blame everything on meeting Mason, but if she was honest, all her problems started long before she met him. Her life became a battle zone the day she met Chase Simmons. Until that day, she had been her father’s little girl. Her life was carefree and easy. Things had been as perfect as they could be.
She hated Chase with everything she had inside her. He had taken a sledge-hammer and smashed her perfect world to pieces, then walked away and left her to pick up the pieces.
She thought about Mason. What was it he saw in her? Sure she was pretty in a less obvious kind of way, but why her?
Amelia wondered if maybe Mason saw some of himself in her. After all, they were both broken and damaged creatures, even if their worlds were very different. But was that enough to make a future with someone, enough to make things work between them?
Suddenly Amelia felt tired. She closed her eyes and soon she was fast asleep.
Amelia woke with a start and was surprised to find Mason lying next to her on the bed. He smiled the moment her eyes met his. She was surprised at how happy she was to see him there.
“Hi,” Amelia said with a bright smile.
“Hi,” Mason said and though he was smiling too, Amelia sensed something was on his mind. “I was worried, I tried to call you a few times today, but you never answered. Is everything alright?”
“Yes,” Amelia said quickly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear it ring and didn’t see I had missed a call until I went to call my mom. I meant to call you once I was done, but I guess I dozed off.”
He didn’t reply for a moment, and Amelia knew he was brooding over something.
“Are you okay?” She asked Mason nervously.
“Why are you back in this room?” Mason replied and Amelia’s heart sank a little. He was angry with her, and that’s the last thing she wanted.
“I came in to get changed and call my mom,” Amelia explained, suddenly unable to look Mason in the eye anymore. “I just lay here for a few minutes and I must have fallen asleep.”
Mason didn’t reply for a moment. Instead he stared at Amelia with a strange expression on his face. Then without warning he slammed his mouth against hers and pulled her to him.
“I need you,” he whispered breathlessly against her mouth when he finally released her lips. “Please.”
“You have me, Mason,” Amelia gasped as Mason rolled her onto her back, and climbed above her.
“Stay with me,” Mason said, looking down into her eyes.
Before Amelia could reply, Mason reached down and pulled the hem of her dress up and reached for her panties. She could barely breathe as her heart hammered rapidly in her chest.
“Mason,” she whispered.
“I need you, Amelia,” Mason repeated again, but something in his voice made Amelia feel unsettled. “Tell me you are mine. Promise me you won’t leave me.”
“Mason, what is it?” She asked as she tried to keep her emotions in check, but there was just something about this man, she seemed to lose all her reasoning when it came to him. “What’s happened?”
“I just need to know you want me, too," he said as stared down into her eyes. “When you didn’t answer my calls today, I was worried. Then I came home and found you in here…”
“I am yours,” Amelia assured him. She looked up into his eyes and tried to figure out what was going through his mind, but she was completely lost.
Mason slowly leaned down and kissed her tenderly, as his hand that has been softly stroking the lace on her panties, suddenly took hold of the delicate material and pulled it hard. Amelia gasped when she heard the lace tear.
“Mason,” she cried as a mixture of fear and excitement coursed through her entire body. She heard the belt buckle on his trousers jingle, then his zipper being undone.
“I need you, Amelia,” he moaned, and with one movement, he filled her completely, making her cry out. She pinched her eyes closed and held him tightly.
Part of her knew she should tell him no, tell him to stop. But there was something about him, some kind of need in his eyes that told her he needed her, he needed this and the truth was, she needed him, too.
He pushed into her over and over again, each thrust hitting its spot. Each stroke sending her higher and higher.
“MASON, PLEASE!” She cried, and her whole body began to shake violently and her orgasm erupted deep inside her. She held on to him as if her life depended on it, as she allowed it to run its course.
“FUCK, YES!” Mason cried and he pumped his climax into her. Amelia could barely breathe, as Mason slumped on top of her, gasping for air. She stared at the ceiling and tried to process what had just happened.
Yes, it had felt good, and yes she had climaxed harder than she ever had before. Still, there was something bothering her, something felt off. He hadn’t made love to her, he had fucked her and she wasn’t sure how she felt about that.
Finally, he lifted his head and looked at Amelia, as she could see the realisation of what he had done, fill his face.
“Amelia!” He exclaimed. “I am so sorry. Are you okay?”
“Yes,” she nodded slowly but despite herself she couldn’t hold back the tears that stung her eyes.
“I am so sorry,” Mason said again, looking completely ashamed of himself. He moved so he was no longer on top of Amelia, then quickly wrapped her in his arms. “The last thing I wanted to do is upset you.”
“It’s okay,” Amelia sniffed as she quickly wiped her tears away.
“No it’s not,” Mason said. “There is no excuse for my behaviour…it’s just…when I came home, and found you asleep in here.”
“It didn’t mean anything, Mason,” Amelia said unable to hold back a sob. “I came in here to change my clothes!”
“I know,” he sighed and Amelia couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. “It’s just…I can’t explain it. How I feel about you, terrifies me.”
“Why are you so afraid?” Amelia asked, looking him straight in the eye. “What is it you are afraid of?”
“I am afraid I will lose you,” Mason replied honestly. “Everyone I have ever loved, has left me. I am afraid you will leave, too.”
“Everyone…you…loved!” Amelia said quietly.
“Yes,” Mason said as he gently touched her cheek. “You have to know this, Amelia. I am so in love with you. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
Amelia was stunned. She didn’t know what to say.
“I love you, Amelia,” Mason said, looking deep into her eyes.
“I…I love you too, Mason,” Amelia whispered. “And I promise, I will never leave you.”
Chapter 23
Mason stared blankly at his computer screen. His mind
was filled with so much crap; it had given him a headache. He had spent the whole week making plans for his departure from the firm, but the one constant stumbling block he came up against was Simone Anderson.
She was adamant she wanted Mason to defend her son. Her pride and joy was no longer just worrying about a paternity issue. He was now looking at serving time for aggravated assaulted.
After reading the file, Mason knew it was an open and shut case. He had suggested her son take a plea bargain, but Simone was having none of it. She was insisting Mason clear her son’s name.
He knew walking away was not something Simone would take lying down. She had made it clear, her family was one not to be messed with. Still, Mason wasn’t prepared to defend her son and let him get away with the beating that he gave the mother of his unborn child, the woman he claimed to love until his mother had gotten involved. The whole thing made Mason sick.
His mind drifted to Amelia and he smiled. Having her at his apartment turned out to be even better than Mason ever imagined it would be. He finally understood what Andrew had been telling him all these years. It was lovely to have someone to come home to. He found that no matter how shitty his day was, knowing he was going home to her, somehow made it all better.
He had done everything he could to make her feel at home in his apartment, with the hope that she would want to stay, but despite his best efforts, Amelia was still determined to find her own place.
Also, she insisted on leaving her things in the spare room, even though she spent every night in Mason’s bed. This frustrated Mason. The whole situation did. He hoped that once he had finalised things, regarding leaving the firm, he would then be able concentrate on trying to repair things between Amelia and her father. Maybe then she would feel happier agreeing to stay with him indefinitely.
He turned his attention back to his laptop. It was almost three and he wanted to get out of the office early to spend the weekend with Amelia.
Mason had big plans for them both, and he was feeling both nervous and excited about it, but he needed to finish up first.
Suddenly his mobile phone sounded on his desk. Mason picked it up and saw Andrew’s name flash on the screen. He pressed accept and brought the phone to his ear.
“Hey, Drew,” Mason said, happy for the distraction. “What’s up? Do you never do any work in that job of yours?”
“It’s time, Mace,” Andrew said and Mason could hear a hint of panic in his voice.
“Time for what?” Mason asked as he scrolled through his emails on his laptop. He had no idea what the hell his friend was talking about or what had him so on edge.
“The baby, Dumbass,” Andrew replied impatiently. “Lori is in labour. Her waters broke about an hour ago.”
“I thought it wasn’t for another two weeks,” Mason said now giving Andrew his undivided attention. “Is Lori okay?”
“Well I guess the baby was sick of waiting,” Andrew replied and Mason couldn’t help but smile at the pride in his best friend’s voice. “Lori is fine. We got to the hospital about ten minutes ago. Mom, Dad and Libby are on their way here, so I just thought I would let you know, you know if you wanted to…”
“Do you want me there, too?” Mason asked, already knowing the answer. They had always been there for every major event, this was no different and of course Mason wanted to be there.
“It would be cool if you were here,” Andrew said honestly.
“I am on my way,” Mason replied. “I won’t be long.”
He hung up the phone before he shut down his laptop and grabbed his jacket. As he stepped off the elevator into the underground carpark, he pulled out his phone and brought up Amelia’s number. The phone rang three times before she answered.
“Hello,” her voice whispered into the phone and Mason instantly smiled. There was something about her that made him feel so happy.
“I am on my way to the hospital,” Mason said, not beating about the bush. “Andrew’s wife has gone into labour.”
“Okay,” Amelia said expectantly, as she waited for him to continue. Mason thought about his words before he continued.
“I would love for you to come with me,” Mason asked, knowing this was a huge request on both their parts.
“Me?” Amelia said, sounding surprised.
“Yes,” Mason replied. “I understand if you don’t want to, but it would mean a lot to me, if you did. I was planning on having you meet everyone this weekend anyway, but I guess now is as good a time as any.”
Amelia didn’t reply for a moment, and Mason was worried he had put her on the spot, that maybe she didn’t feel ready for this step. He was about to offer her an out, when she spoke.
“I would love to come with you,” Amelia replied and Mason could hear the sincerity in her voice. “Thank you for asking me.”
“I will be outside the book store in ten minutes,” Mason said and couldn’t help but smile. “I will see you then.”
“Okay,” Amelia replied. “I will see you soon.”
The line went dead and Mason smiled once again as he slipped the phone back into his pocket when he reached his car.
Ten minutes later, as promised, he pulled up outside the bookstore where Amelia worked.
He didn’t have to wait long before she appeared through the doorway and greeted him with a broad smile. Once again, just the sight of her beautiful smile, instantly made Mason feel better.
“Hi,” she said brightly as she slipped into the seat next to him, then leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Is there any news yet?”
“Nothing yet,” Mason replied, as he pulled out into the afternoon traffic. “And thank you for coming with me.”
“Thank you for asking me,” Amelia said as she glanced over at Mason. “It means a lot that you did.”
When they reached the hospital, Mason quickly climbed out of the car and hurried around to help Amelia out. He then took her by the hand and led her towards the glass double doors and to the reception desk where he asked for directions to the maternity wing.
As they walked along the corridor, Mason could feel his heart racing. This was a first for him. He had never introduced a girl to Sadie before and he was nervous. He knew Sadie would love Amelia, that wasn’t the issue. He just knew once he did this, it made everything seem more real somehow.
“Are you okay?” Amelia asked as she walked along the corridor next to Mason.
“Yes,” Mason replied, and gave her a questioning look. “Why do you ask?”
“Because you look like you are about to throw up,” Amelia said with a nervous laugh.
Mason laughed. The last thing he was about to do was admit to Amelia just how nervous he was, because he didn’t know how to explain why. So instead, when they reached the elevator, he turned to her, pulled her into his arms then kissed her softly on the lips.
“I really do love you,” Mason said as his lips gently parted from Amelia’s. “I had no idea I could ever feel for someone the way I feel about you.”
“I love you too, Mason,” Amelia whispered and gave him a breath-taking smile before she leaned up and kissed him again. “So stop worrying. Everything is going to be fine.”
The elevator door pinged open before Mason could respond. So he smiled and held Amelia’s hand once more before he stepped into the elevator.
As they made their way along the corridor, Mason spotted Sadie and his stomach knotted with nerves. Taking a deep breath, he gripped Amelia’s hand tighter.
Sadie looked up and smiled the moment she saw Mason walking towards her and the rest of the family, then her smile widened as soon as she noticed that Amelia was next to him.
“You made it!” She exclaimed as she walked towards them both and instantly held out her arms to hug Mason.
“We did,” Mason replied as he hugged her tightly. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
“Well I know it will mean the world to Drew, having you here” she said holding him at arm’s length. Her gaze then fell to Amelia
and she smiled warmly. “You must be Amelia. I have heard a great deal about you from Andrew.”
“Yes, I am” Amelia replied with a nervous smile.
“It’s lovely to finally meet you,” Sadie said, hugging Amelia too. “More than you could ever imagine.”
“It’s lovely to meet you, too,” Amelia replied and Mason could hear the relief in her voice. “I hope you don’t mind me being here.”
“Not at all,” Sadie said as she released Amelia from her embrace then looked from her to Mason. “You are very welcome.”
Sadie took Amelia’s hand and led her to where the rest of the family was waiting. Mason watched as she was introduced to Libby and then her husband Brandon. He smiled as he watched Libby’s kids each hug Amelia. He was amazed that she seemed so at ease with the children.
Andrew’s dad, Walter, was the last to be introduced to Amelia. Walter was a man of few words, but also a man Mason respected a great deal. On the very rare occasions Mason had considered if he would ever have a family, he wanted to be the father and husband Walter was. But then memories of his own father would cloud his thoughts and so Mason would shut down that dream.
He watched Amelia with the people that meant the most in the world to him and Mason felt happy. He knew for sure, in that very moment, his decision to change his life for Amelia was the right one.
“How are you doing?” Sadie asked as she managed to corner Mason on his own by the vending machine a little while after he and Amelia had arrived.
“I am doing pretty well,” Mason replied honestly.
“Andrew told me that you are leaving the firm,” Sadie blurted out, surprising Mason.
“When will I learn to keep my mouth shut, when it comes to Drew?” Mason sighed then gave a defeated laugh.
“He loves you, Mace,” Sadie said with a knowing smile. “And he is worried about you.”
“I will be okay,” Mason shrugged. “It’s the right thing to do.”
“Oh, I won’t argue with that,” Sadie quickly replied. “I always thought you were better than working for that place.”