All Time Love Read online

Page 11

  “Are you ready to go?” He asked her, watching her closely.

  “Sure,” Amelia replied, with another smile. “I’ll just grab my bag.”

  Mason watched her as she walked across the hallway and picked up her handbag. She hesitated before she turned back to him, but when she did, she gave him a nervous smile. However, Mason noticed she didn’t look him in the eye.

  He led her down the pathway, and opened the passenger door for Amelia, then closed it again once she was inside.

  What am I missing? Mason sighed to himself as he walked around the car to the driver’s side. Something was definitely wrong and he didn’t know what to think.

  They drove to the hotel where Mason was staying, mostly in silence. Mason tried to make small talk but got nothing except single word answers in response. By the time they reached the hotel. Mason was completely confused. He had no idea what the hell had happened.

  When he left her earlier that day, everything seemed fine, but something had definitely changed.

  “Why are we here?” Amelia asked as Mason led her through the hotel reception and to the elevators.

  “We are going to my suite,” Mason said, still watching Amelia closely. When the doors of the elevator opened, he took her by the hand and stepped inside.

  They stood side by side in silence, as the elevator jumped to life. Mason glanced sideways at Amelia, but couldn’t read her at all.

  When the elevator came to a stop, Mason took her hand again and led her across the corridor to a set of double doors. He reached into his inside pocket and pulled out the key card to the room. Mason opened the doors, then stepped back to let Amelia into the room.

  She glanced at Mason nervously before she walked in. He sighed with frustration as he followed her inside and closed the door behind them.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” He asked, as he slipped off his jacket and threw it on an arm chair in the corner. “The suite has a fully stocked bar, but if there is something you want that I don’t have, I can call room service.”

  “I’m okay for now,” Amelia replied as she looked around the living room of the hotel suite. Mason watched her as her eyes came to a stop on the beautifully set table next to the window. He had arranged for them to have dinner in his suite.

  While he went to collect Amelia, they had come and set the table with a crisp white table cloth, crystal glasses, flowers and candles. There was also a bottle of champagne chilling on the sideboard, along with a plate of chocolate covered strawberries.

  “Is everything okay, Amelia?” Mason asked again, unable to hold back his curiosity anymore. “You seem, I don’t know, a little quiet.”

  She looked at him for a moment, as if she was considering her reply but she didn’t speak straight away.

  “Yes, everything is okay,” she finally replied.

  “Why am I not convinced?” He asked, as he walked towards her. “You seem…upset.”

  “Why did you bring me here?” She asked surprising him.

  “To have dinner,” Mason replied impatiently. “To spend time with you. Give us a chance to get to know each other a little bit better.”

  “Oh, I see,” she said as she moved, putting some more space between her and Mason, before she continued. “Like you got to know Roxy a little bit better?”

  “Roxy?” Mason replied completely confused. “Who the hell is Roxy?”

  “The girl from the coffee shop,” Amelia replied matter-of-factly. “Or don’t you remember her?”

  “How do you know about Roxy?” Mason replied and couldn’t hide the irritation from his voice. “Amelia, who have you been talking to?”

  “Does it matter?” She asked, and Mason could hear the hurt in her voice despite the fact that she was trying her hardest to seem unfazed. “Look, I think coming here was a big mistake. Could you please take me home?”

  “No,” Mason replied angrily. He had no idea why she was so upset. He had to admit, how he treated the girl from the coffee shop wasn’t his finest moment, but he didn’t understand why Amelia was so bothered by it. “First I would like to know, why you are so upset with me.”

  “Fine!” Amelia snapped back as she hurried towards the door of the hotel suite. “I will take myself home.”

  “Amelia!” Mason exclaimed angrily as he followed her to the door. He got to her as she opened the door, but he quickly reached up and slammed it shut. “You are not running away from me again. I asked you a question, and I would like an answer. You owe me that much.”

  “I owe you nothing,” Amelia said without turning around to face Mason. “Now get out of my way. I should have never come here.”

  “OH, FOR CHRIST’S SAKE!” He exclaimed angrily. “Amelia, look at me.”

  She didn’t reply, nor did she turn around.

  “Look at me, damn it!” He repeated impatiently.

  “WHY?” She demanded and she spun around to face him. “So you can tell me more lies? How I am the only one you want! How stupid do you think I am?”

  “You are the only one I want!” Mason replied, completely confused by her statement.

  “Then why did you sleep with Roxy?” Amelia asked, but this time her words weren’t quite as forceful. Mason thought she sounded more hurt than anything else.

  “I didn’t,” Mason replied, completely stunned that she thought he had. “I met her at a bar. I went home with her, but nothing happened.”

  “Please don’t lie to me,” Amelia begged.

  “I’m not,” Mason insisted. “Amelia, I don’t know who gave you this misinformation, but what they are saying is a lie. Last week, after I left you, my head was such a mess. I knew I had made a huge mistake, but I wasn’t sure if it was sleeping with you or walking away. So I went to a bar, and got drunk. This girl, this Roxy, came up to me and started flirting with me, so I thought, what the hell?”

  “I don’t want to hear anymore,” Amelia said as she turned and reached for the door handle once again.

  “Nothing happened between us,” he said, holding the door closed. “I wanted it to, because I wanted to stop thinking about you, but I couldn’t do it. I wanted it because I didn’t want to admit I had made the biggest mistake of my life. You were all I could think about; you are all I wanted. I left her apartment that night and went straight to yours, but you were gone. Damn it, Amelia. Don’t you get it?”

  “Don’t I get what?” She asked in a small voice, as she turned and looked up at him.

  “From the first day we met, it’s been you,” Mason told her. “Girls like Roxy can be found by the dozen in any nightclub in New York, but girls like Roxy bore me. You have to believe me, nothing happened between us.”

  Amelia didn’t say anything for a moment, as Mason held his breath.

  Finally, she looked up at him and Mason gave her a pleading look.

  “I believe you,” Amelia said cautiously. “But you have to understand. It took a lot for me to trust you, and I got hurt. I want to trust you again, but you need to be patient with me. You need to give me time.”

  “I can do that,” Mason said as he softly brushed her cheek. He reached down and took her hand. “Now, will you please join me for dinner? No strings, no pressure.”

  “No strings,” Amelia repeated and even though she smiled, Mason could still see the worry in her eyes.

  “And no pressure,” Mason added. When Amelia smiled at him and he could feel himself calm down completely. He led her back into the room, towards the dining table. He pulled out the chair for Amelia and gave her a smile.

  This time when Amelia smiled, Mason could see she was a lot more at ease. Just as Amelia was taking her seat, there was a knock on the door of the suite. Mason excused himself and went to answer it.

  It was room service with the dinner Mason had ordered for him and Amelia.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” Mason said once they were alone again. “I went ahead and ordered dinner for us both. I thought it would be the simplest thing to do.”

; “That’s fine,” Amelia said with a smile. Mason set Amelia’s starters of crab cakes down in front of her and took his seat across from her.

  “So,” Mason said as he poured Amelia a glass of champagne. “What did your parents say about you coming here tonight?”

  “Mom called from the restaurant,” Amelia replied. “She was happy I think.”

  “And your dad?” Mason asked, and his heart sank when he saw her freeze. “What is it?”

  “Nothing that matters,” Amelia said without looking at Mason. She poked her food with her fork.

  “Amelia,” Mason said and the tone in his voice made her look up at him. “What has happened?”

  “Nothing really,” Amelia shrugged. “When I was talking to my mom, I asked to speak to my dad. Mom said he was busy…”

  “But?” Mason asked sensing there was one coming.

  “My dad has never refused to talk to me on the phone before,” Amelia sighed.

  “Maybe he really was busy,” Mason suggested, trying to make it better for Amelia. “Or is there something I am missing?”

  “We had this argument yesterday…” Amelia said but didn’t finish her sentence. Mason knew there was more than she was saying, and he knew what it was.

  “Over me?” Mason asked and Amelia just nodded. Mason reached over, took her hand and squeezed it softly. “I will make this okay. I give you my word.”

  “Thank you,” Amelia said and forced a smile.

  They spent the rest of the evening talking and Mason was surprised by how easy it was to talk to her. He had never spent much time in the company of women, other than in the bedroom.

  It was almost eleven when Amelia stood up and told Mason that it was time she went home.

  “You’re leaving?” He asked as he too stood up.

  “My folks will be home soon,” she replied as she walked towards the door. “It’s okay, I know you can’t drive as you were drinking. I will call a cab from reception.”

  “I don’t want you going home on your own,” Mason said following her down the hallway of the suite.

  “I will be okay,” Amelia said. She turned when she reached the door. “I will speak to you tomorrow.”

  She leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips.

  “Good night Mason,” she whispered against his lips. She turned to walk away but Mason took hold of her hand and pulled her back to him.

  “Please don’t leave,” he said, as he pulled her into his arms. “Stay with me tonight.”

  “Mason,” Amelia said, surprised by his request. “I can’t.”

  “Please,” Mason said as he softly kissed her lips. “I need you. Please stay with me.”

  Chapter 16

  Amelia stood and looked at Mason for a moment. She knew she should go. She needed to slow things down and try to take them at her own pace. She felt like she had been hit by a steamroller called Mason James. He was moving so fast.

  She wanted to say no, but the look in his eyes stopped her. She could feel the muscles in her stomach contract. Why did she feel so drawn to him?

  “Please,” he whispered as he stepped closer to her. He was so close; Amelia could feel his breath wash across her face. “Don’t go.”

  “Mason…I…” Amelia began to protest, but Mason kissed her and stopped her from speaking and she could feel her resolve weaken further.

  “I need you,” he breathed against her mouth. Amelia stared up into his eyes once again. Her heart raced as her breath hitched in her throat. She needed him, too. She had since he turned up that day in the bookstore. She knew right then; she was lost to him.

  Her heart was racing so fast, she could barely breathe. She didn’t reply, at least not with words. Instead, she leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. Mason didn’t waste any time responding. Amelia knew he was not giving her a chance to change her mind. He wrapped her in his arms, drawing him to her, he kicked the door closed.

  As Mason kissed her deeply, Amelia could feel them slowly moving. Suddenly she could feel the wall against her back, as Mason pressed closer into her. Amelia gasped when she felt his arousal against her.

  Her head was spinning with a mixture of fear and desire. She wanted to slow things down, or there was the danger that Mason would consume her.

  But she wanted him more. Her body longed for his.

  “You belong to me, Amelia,” he whispered breathlessly as he broke his lips from her and kissed down along her neck. “Tell me you understand.”

  “I understand,” she cried as he pushed back the collar of her shirt and bit her softly on the shoulder. Lifting his head, Mason quickly claimed her mouth, swallowing her cries. He picked her up in his arms and headed back to the bedroom of the hotel suite.

  Amelia closed her eyes and tried to breathe. Her head was spinning and her heart was pounding. She could feel how much Mason wanted her, it was a heady feeling, and she wanted him too. The ache in her groin confirmed that.

  When they reached the room, Mason set Amelia down on the edge of the bed and stepped back. He reached up and undid his tie, slowly pulling it from his neck before he dropped it to the floor. He then opened several of the buttons on his shirt and pulled it over his head before he discarded it on the floor, along-side his tie. Amelia held her breath as he held her eyes with his. Mason’s eyes were ablaze with desire and they seemed to pull at Amelia’s very soul.

  With a knowing smile, Mason dropped to his knees before Amelia and reached for her feet. Lifting them up one by one, he removed her shoes. Once he did that, he slid his hands slowly up her legs, beneath the hem of her skirt.

  Amelia gasped as he slowly raised her skirt, the whole time his eyes never leaving hers.

  When he reached her thighs, Mason spread out his fingers, covering more of Amelia’s bare skin, before he pushed her legs further apart.

  Amelia closed her eyes and rolled her head back as Mason’s thumb glided over her soft, sensitive folds. The only thing between her and him, was the soft satin of her panties.

  “I can feel how much you want me, Amelia,” Mason said in a low growl. “Even through your panties, I can feel how ready you are. I will not make you wait long, but first, I need to taste you.”

  His words made Amelia’s stomach clench with anxiety. She wanted him more than she ever wanted anything else, and this scared her. She knew that if she did this and he walked away again, this time it would finish her.

  “Don’t be afraid,” he whispered as if sensing her uncertainty. “I will not hurt you again. I promise you.”

  “Okay,” she whispered breathlessly.

  Mason eased her back down on to the bed then reached for the rim of her panties. Slowly he slid them down her legs as Amelia pinched her eyes shut. She knew that she was ready to explode and just the simplest touch from Mason would be her undoing.

  She moaned loudly as she could feel his breath against her opening. She fisted the bed either side of her, trying to absorb the pleasure and hold back her orgasm.

  OH GOD! She thought to herself. He has barely touched me and I am ready to come. What spell has this man cast over me?

  “MASON!” She cried out in pleasure the moment his tongue glided over her slick folds, then found her sensitive bud. She blew out a deep breath, trying to hold back the tsunami poised to wash over her entire body.

  She could feel him smile against her before he sucked her clit into his mouth, his tongue teasing and flicking it.

  She gripped the bed clothes tighter as Mason slipped a finger inside her, while his tongue continued to tease her clit.

  “OH GOD! OH GOD!” Amelia cried out, unable to hold her orgasm back any longer. She could feel her whole body tremble as she came hard. Still, Mason didn’t let up, instead he sucked harder, making sure every ounce of Amelia’s orgasm was spent.

  He finally released her over-sensitised bud and ran his tongue back down over her lips, tasting her release.

  “You taste divine, Amelia,” Mason said when he finally lifted his head. He pul
led Amelia up towards him and kissed her hard on the mouth. Amelia could taste herself on his lips and she was surprised how arousing it was.

  This was all still so new to her. Before Mason, the only experience she had was that horrible night back in high school. For her, sex was something to fear. It was not something that she could get so lost in. At least that’s how it was, before Mason.

  He then took hold of her hands and stood up, pulling Amelia up against him, until her body was flush with his. Amelia could feel his rock-hard arousal against her stomach and it made her pelvic muscles clench again.

  Mason looked down into her eyes as he slowly undid the buttons on her blouse. He pushed it off her shoulders, letting it slide down her arms to the floor. He then trailed kisses along her collar-bone, before he unhooked her bra and let that too, fall to the floor. As he reached for the zipper on the side of her skirt, he dropped to his knees once again and kissed along her tummy before he pulled the zipper down and let the skirt fall to the floor, leaving Amelia standing completely naked.

  “You are simply stunning,” he said, pressing his lips to her skin again.

  Amelia ran her fingers through his thick, wavy hair and drew him closer to her. Part of her wanted to hide her naked body from him, embarrassed and ashamed, but part of her wanted him to kiss every inch of it with his warm, strong lips.

  “I need to be inside you!” He exclaimed as he stood up and made short work of the rest of his clothes until he too stood before Amelia, completely naked, his swollen cock standing firm and hard.

  Amelia couldn’t take her eyes off his length. He was the epitome of a virile man. She reached out and softly stroked the smooth head of his erection as a soft moan escaped his lips.

  She wanted to please him as he had pleased her. Her heart hammered and she was beyond terrified but she pushed past her fear and took a firmer grip on his shaft, sliding her hand up and down his length nervously.

  She had no idea what she was doing but from the look on Mason’s face, she was doing something right. She ran the tips of her fingers from her other hand over the head, and was surprised to find tiny droplets of wetness on the tip.