All Time Love Read online

Page 12

  In a moment of boldness, she brought her fingers to her lips, and put them in her mouth. The wetness tasted mostly salty but not completely disgusting.

  “Oh fuck, Amelia,” Mason cried and Amelia found she liked the feeling that he was as affected as much by her as she was by him. It made her feel desirable. She wanted to keep that power a little while longer.

  She took a deep breath and lowered herself down to the floor before Mason.

  “Amelia,” Mason said and she could hear his uncertainty. “You don’t have to.”

  “I want to,” she said looking up into his eyes. Taking his shaft in her hand she leaned forward and gently ran her tongue across the head. Once again she could taste the salty wetness. She then slowly ran her tongue along the entire shaft, making Mason cry out again and it pushed her on.

  She place her lips around the swollen head of his cock, then placing one of her hands on his firm thigh to balance herself, she slid her lips down his cock, taking his entire length into her mouth.

  When it hit the back of her throat she had to fight her instinct to gag. Instead, holding the shaft with her hand, she pulled her lips back along his length, letting her tongue tease the head.

  As she repeated the action over and over, she could feel Mason’s legs begin to shake and she knew he was getting close. He grabbed her hair and began to thrust into her mouth. Again she could taste the salty liquid.

  Mason suddenly pulled back, surprising Amelia. He grabbed her by the arms and threw her down on the bed.

  “I don’t want to come in your mouth,” he explained as he climbed over her on the bed. “Well, not tonight. I want to get lost inside you.”

  Without missing a beat, he grabbed a condom from the nightstand, and rolled it down his cock before he slipped between her legs and slammed into Amelia, making her cry out at the sudden fullness. He then pulled out almost all the way before he slammed into her again. He stopped and looked down at her.

  “You are mine,” he said before he pulled out and slammed into her again. “Just you, I promise.”

  Over and over he drove into her, pushing her on to another climax. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to him completely, each thrust bringing her closer.

  Suddenly he rolled over, pulling Amelia with him, so she was now straddling him.

  Amelia looked down at him for a moment, giving him a worried look but he just smiled, grabbed her by the hips and began to move her. Amelia began to move with him. Slowly grinding into him.

  Bit by bit, her confidence grew and soon she was moving by herself. Mason sat up and claimed her mouth with his as she continued riding him hard.

  Amelia could feel her whole body shake as she began to come apart above him. She knew Mason could sense she was close, too. He pulled her close to him and thrust up into her harder and faster.

  Amelia threw her head back and cried out Mason’s name as her orgasm tore through her body like a freight train.

  Mason too cried out, as he erupted inside her before he collapsed back on the bed, taking Amelia with him.

  They lay side by side, both gasping for air but both completely satisfied.

  “You are full of surprises,” Mason said when he finally caught his breath. “You never fail to amaze me.”

  Amelia just smiled as she still tried to calm her breathing. She was feeling happy and sated. Mason made her feel braver and stronger.

  “You are truly amazing,” he said as he carefully removed the condom, then leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips, but suddenly his face changed as if something had occurred to him.

  “What’s wrong?” Amelia asked, afraid he was about to bolt again.

  “I was thinking about what will happen when I go back to New York,” he said, and Amelia could hear the concern in his voice.

  “I hadn’t really thought that far ahead,” Amelia replied honestly.

  “But you are going to come back with me,” he said leaning on this elbow.

  “I…I don’t know,” she replied nervously. Suddenly she couldn’t look at Mason anymore. “I gave up my apartment.”

  “What about your job?” Mason asked.

  “Annie said she would hold it for me for a short while,” Amelia said, glancing quickly at Mason. “But I don’t know if she will.”

  “But she might have,” Mason replied.

  “Yes,” Amelia confirmed. “She might have.”

  “Then you can come back and stay with me,” Mason said like it was the most normal thing in the world.

  “Mason I barely know you,” Amelia laughed. “I am not moving in with you.”

  “Why not?” He asked, sitting up in the bed.

  “Because I am not,” Amelia replied. “Besides, my dad would freak out and I am not upsetting him further.”

  “But you will upset me?” Mason asked. His tone was impatient and it made Amelia uneasy. She sat up in the bed and took a deep breath.

  “I am not trying to upset you,” she replied calmly. “But surely you can understand I don’t want to upset my dad. He is already unhappy about you and me. I want to give him a chance to get used to this before I drop another bomb-shell. Besides, I am not ready to move in with anyone.”

  “But I don’t want you to remain here,” Mason said. “That is not an option.”

  “Then I will look for an apartment,” Amelia sighed.

  “And until you find one, you could stay with me while you return to work.” Mason pushed. “Surely your father would understand that.”

  “Mason…” Amelia began to protest but Mason kissed her.

  “I will talk to him tomorrow,” he said as he lay back down and pulled Amelia to him, then covered them both with the bedding. “Now you need your rest.”

  Mason switched off the lamp next to the bed then kissed Amelia’s head, and just like that, the conversation was over.

  Amelia lay there in the darkness and tried to understand what had just happened. Had she agreed to move in with Mason temporarily or was she just told that she was. She really had no idea what had just happened, but she didn’t like it.

  She needed to be strong when it came to Mason James, or he would roll over her like a steam-roller and she would be lost.

  She must have laid there for an hour listening to Mason breathe. She was completely confused by this man. She wanted him so much, yet he completely terrified her. She knew she needed to stand her ground.

  When she was sure he was asleep, she slipped out of the bed and gathered her belongings, well everything except her panties. She had no idea where he had put them. She needed to switch on a light to find them, but she couldn’t risk waking him.

  So she decided to forget about them. She walked out to the living area of the suite and got dressed as quickly and as quietly as she possible could.

  When she was dressed, she scribbled Mason a quick note before she let herself out of the hotel room and hurried along the corridor to the lift.

  She asked the front desk to call her a cab. The five minutes she had to wait, she was half expecting Mason to come thundering into reception and drag her back to his room.

  She was relieved when she finally climbed into the back of the cab and was heading to her parents’ house. She needed a little time and space to decide what her next move should be.

  Chapter 17

  Mason woke slowly and smiled to himself as he remembered the night before. He reached over to find Amelia but all he found was a cold bed. He opened his eyes and quickly sat up.

  He looked around the room but there wasn’t a trace of Amelia having ever been there. He quickly kicked back the bed clothes and hurried to the bathroom in search of her but sighed when he found it empty.

  Where the hell is she? He thought angrily. He turned and hurried out to the living area of the suite and got angry when he found that empty, too.

  “Fuck!” He exclaimed as he spun around looking for a clue as to where she had gone. He spotted a piece of paper on the table with his name on it. Picking it up,
he unfolded it and read it quickly.

  I have gone home, don’t be mad. I needed time to think.

  Amelia xx

  “FUCK!” He shouted angrily as he balled up the paper and threw it across the room.

  He ran back to the bedroom and grabbed a pair of jeans from the closet. He didn’t even bother with underwear instead he just pulled them straight on. He then pulled out a top and yanked it over his head. That’s when he spotted her panties, just beneath the foot of the bed. He picked them up and stuffed them into his back pocket. He looked at his watch and saw thatit was just after seven. How long had she been gone? More importantly, why had she left?

  This girl is going to drive me insane! He sighed as he sat down on the edge of his bed. He put on his shoes then grabbed his jacket and car keys before he headed for the door. By the time he reached his car, he had already gone over what he was going to say to Amelia about a hundred times in his mind. He wasn’t sure if he felt more angry or concerned.

  Why has she run? Was she angry with him? Was she scared? What was she thinking about? Had she changed her mind?

  He played these questions over and over in his mind on the short drive to her parents’ house. He wanted answers and there was no way he was leaving there without them.

  It wasn’t until Mason reached the house that it registered with him just how early it actually was. He looked at the two cars sitting in the driveway and he knew there was no chance her parents weren’t home. He really didn’t want another confrontation with her father. It would only make her doubts stronger. He wondered what the best way to deal with this was.

  The only answer he could come up with was to talk to Amelia. He was just about to climb out of the car when he saw the front door open.

  He held his breath as Amelia stepped out into the morning sun, wearing leggings and an oversized t-shirt. She walked down the garden path, placing the ear buds of her iPod in her ears when she looked up and spotted Mason. She stopped dead in her tracks the moment she saw him.

  Mason quickly pushed open the door and climbed out of his car. His eyes never left Amelia and he could see the fear in her eyes.

  You should be afraid! He thought to himself, resisting the urge he had to smile with satisfaction. I should teach you a lesson you will never forget for this stunt.

  “Amelia,” was all he said as he walked around the car and leaned up against it, crossing one leg over the other and his arms across his chest. He could see her swallow hard before she continued a little further down the path to where he was waiting for her. She stopped a few feet short of him.

  “Mason,” she replied in a tiny, nervous voice, but she then squared her shoulders and tried to look more determined, Mason couldn’t help but smile internally. “What are you doing here? It’s barely seven thirty. If my dad sees you here…”

  “I came to return these,” he said without missing a beat as he pulled her panties from his back pocket and held them up in front of him. “I was worried it might be hard to get your knickers in a twist, if you weren’t actually wearing them.”

  “Jesus!” Amelia cried in horror as she quickly closed the distance between her and Mason. When she reached him, she snatched the panties from his hand and quickly rolled them in a ball and stuffed them in her pocket. Her face turned a deep shade of red and Mason felt really pleased with himself. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “What’s wrong with me?” He asked in disbelief. “What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you sneak out of my room last night?”

  “I didn’t sneak anywhere,” she replied angrily. “I came home. I didn’t think I needed your permission. And I don’t appreciate you turning up at my parent’s house at stupid o’clock and acting like a childish asshole.”

  “A childish asshole!” Mason exclaimed, stunned that the shy Ms. Wells had bitten back. “I should put you across my knee and spank you for that remark.”

  “YOU SHOULD SPANK ME?” Amelia yelled angrily, then laughed in complete disbelief. “I really don’t have time for this, I am going for a run. Please don’t be here when I get back.”

  “Like hell you are,” Mason said as he grabbed hold of Amelia’s arm. He quickly pulled open the passenger door of his car, then abruptly deposited Amelia inside, completely ignoring her protests, before he slammed the door again and hit the central locking to stop her from jumping out. He hurried around to the driver’s side and used the key to unlock the driver’s door only, before he quickly climbed in.

  “This is not funny, Mason,” Amelia said as he slipped the key into the ignition and started up the engine. “Let me out of this car now!”

  “I will let you out when I am good and ready,” Mason snapped back. “Now put on your damn seat belt, or so help me God.”

  He pinned Amelia with a look that told her he meant business. She stared at him in complete shock and Mason knew she was considering her response, but to his surprise, she just sighed and reached for the seat belt.

  They drove in silence for about twenty minutes. Mason needed to calm down before he tried to talk to Amelia.

  If he was honest, she had surprised him. For such a soft, fragile creature, she had balls and fight inside her. He liked that about her, although he was never about going to admit it.

  He glanced at her briefly as he drove and couldn’t help but smile at the angry pout on her face. It reminded him of the first day he met her and he asked her if she was fucking the coffee boy, admittedly not his finest hour.

  Finally, he pulled into a car park next to a lake and picnic area. Thankfully it was deserted at that time of the morning. He switched off the car engine and turned to face Amelia.

  “Are you ready to talk to me like a grown up now?” He asked. She didn’t respond. Instead she just sat with her arms crossed and stared out the window ahead of her. Mason smiled. “Amelia, I have all day, so we can wait until you are ready, but we are talking.”

  “Take me home,” she said without looking at him.

  “When we have talked like grown-ups,” he replied with a smile. “Now tell me, why did you sneak out?”

  “I didn’t sneak anywhere,” she replied angrily finally looking at Mason. “I went home, and last I checked, that wasn’t a crime.”

  “No Amelia, it’s not a crime,” Mason replied impatiently. “But that still doesn’t answer my question. Why did you run again?”

  “BECAUSE OF THIS!” She finally blurted out, waving her hands in the air and surprising Mason.

  “This?” He asked feeling confused. “I don’t understand.”

  “This, what you do,” she repeated, this time a little less forcefully. “You show up and you stomp in, but you never think how it will affect me. You don’t listen to what I have to say, you just tell me what is going to happen.”

  “I only want you to be happy, Amelia,” Mason said, not knowing what else he should say. “But this is who I am. I see what I want and I take it. I don’t know any other way.”

  “But you are moving so fast,” Amelia replied, unsure of her words and how he would react. “And it scares me.”

  “I don’t want you to be afraid,” Mason said as he reached out and softly touched her cheek. “I just want you to be happy.”

  “Then give me time,” Amelia replied and this time she looked up into Mason’s eyes. “Let me do this at my own pace. We’ve known each other such a short time. Just a few weeks, that’s all. Please.”

  “But I don’t want to go back to New York without you, Amelia,” Mason said, afraid that this was what she wanted. “I didn’t lie to you when I said, I needed you. I really do. Please don’t ask me to try living without you.”

  “But I need time,” Amelia said. “I need to find my own place, somewhere I can afford and then we can see where this goes.”

  “Money is not an issue,” Mason said matter-of-factly. “I can take care of that.”

  “No!” Amelia exclaimed impatiently. “There you go again. You can’t fix every problem. I am not your problem t
o fix.”

  “Amelia, this is not a problem,” Mason sighed. “I can afford it. I don’t see the issue…”

  “My dad is the issue,” Amelia replied. “He helps me pay my way. How can I go to him and say, thanks Dad, but the man I barely know, that you don’t really like, is going to pay for my apartment, so he can fuck me whenever he wants.”

  “That’s not how it is,” Mason replied, a little hurt by what she just said. It was not just about him being able to fuck her when he wanted. It was more than that. It was so much more, that it actually scared him. “And I don’t like you talking like that.”

  “What is it you want from me, Mason,” Amelia cried in frustration.

  “I want you,” he said honestly. “I want you in my life. I want to know when I come home, I am coming home to you. I want it all.”

  “Mason, I want that too,” Amelia said leaning forward and softly caressing his face. “But we have all the time in the world for that. Please give me a chance to take things slowly.

  “I don’t want to go back to New York without you,” Mason said, leaning his forehead to hers. “I am begging you. Don’t ask me to leave you here.”

  Amelia sighed and closed her eyes. Mason could see the struggle in her face. He wished he could give her the answer she wanted, but he couldn’t bear to be without her.

  “If I come back with you,” Amelia finally said as she opened her eyes and looked at Mason. “It is on two conditions.”

  “Okay,” Mason said feeling a little more hopeful.

  “I will only stay with you until I find my own place,” Amelia continued. “And when I do find my own place. I will pay for it myself. Is that clear?”

  “Crystal,” Mason said with a smile.

  “Okay then,” Amelia replied. “I guess I am coming back to New York.”

  “Thank you,” Mason said with a smile before he pulled her to him and claimed her mouth with his.

  “I should be getting back,” Amelia said as their lips slowly parted. “I don’t normally run for this long. My parents will be wondering where I have gotten to.”

  “Okay,” Mason sighed, as he reluctantly released her from his embrace. “I will take you home now.”