All Time Love Read online

Page 13

  They drove back to the house in a more comfortable silence than when they had first left it.

  When they reached the house, Mason pulled up outside and switched off the engine. It was almost nine o’clock.

  “Do you want to come in for breakfast?” Amelia asked Mason, surprising him a little.

  “I don’t think your dad would be too thrilled to see me across his breakfast table,” Mason said as he softly brushed a loose strand of hair back from her face.

  “He just needs time to get to know you,” Amelia said as she leaned into his touch.

  “I think it would be better if I came back later,” Mason sighed.

  Before Amelia could respond, there was a soft tap on the window. Both Mason and Amelia turned to find her father standing on the sidewalk next to Mason’s car.

  Amelia lowered her window.

  “Hey, Dad,” she said and Mason could hear the nervous edge in her voice.

  “Your mom said breakfast is ready…” Charlie said without looking directly at his daughter. “She asked if Mr. James would like to join us.”

  Amelia turned and gave Mason a pleading look. He knew the best thing to do was to respectfully decline, but the look on Amelia’s face made that too hard to do. So instead he smiled and said he would love to.

  He pulled the keys from the ignition and climbed out of the car. He followed Amelia and her father up the pathway to the house. Like it or not, this was happening. Mason held his breath and said a silent prayer that it wouldn’t be a total disaster as he stepped through the front door.

  Chapter 18

  Amelia could sense Mason’s nervousness as she led him down the hallway to the kitchen. She could also feel the disdain emanating from her father. It was clear as day, he didn’t like Mason.

  She knew he was angry at her also. He couldn’t even look at her and it almost broke her heart.

  “Good Morning, Mason,” her mom said brightly as they walked into the kitchen. Amelia could see the table was set for four and smiled to herself, grateful for her mother’s support. “I’m delighted you could join us this morning.”

  She gave Amelia a reassuring smile, then glanced at her husband. Amelia saw her mother giving her dad a pleading look, but he just looked away.

  “Thank you for having me,” Mason said as he pulled out a chair for Amelia, but he didn’t sit down next to her. Instead he turned to Shannon and smiled nervously.

  “Is there anything I can help you with, Mrs. Wells?” Mason asked. This was a very new side to Mason for Amelia. There was no trace of the abrupt and forceful whirlwind that she was used to. He seemed nervous and ill at ease.

  “I have everything covered, thanks Mason,” Shannon replied, giving him a reassuring smile, and Amelia realised that her mother could see his nervousness too. “And please, it’s Shannon.”

  “Okay, thank you, Shannon,” Mason said with a smile as he slipped into a seat next to Amelia. She gave him a big smile and she had to admit, she liked this side to Mason, she found it endearing.

  She then glanced at her dad, who was standing in the corner. He was leaning against the counter, glaring at Mason, and Amelia’s heart sank a little. She knew her dad was not happy about her and Mason, but she thought he would have, at the very least, tried for her.

  Shannon walked to the table and set a plate down with a big stack of pancakes on it and another, full of bacon. She returned to the counter then came back to the table with a fresh pot of coffee and a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice.

  When she took her seat, she glanced at Charlie expectantly. He just sighed and reluctantly followed his wife to the kitchen table.

  Amelia picked up the plate in front of Mason and filled it before she poured him a coffee. She opted for orange juice herself, and only took one of the fresh biscuits from the basket in the centre of the table. She wasn’t feeling very hungry, she had a huge knot in the pit of her stomach, due to the atmosphere in the room.

  “So,” Charlie said as he poured himself a coffee before he pinned Mason with a look that made the knot in Amelia’s stomach tighten. “Which wealthy lowlife are you defending this week?”

  “Dad!” Amelia exclaimed angrily at her father’s openly hostile remark.

  “It’s okay, Amelia,” Mason said taking her hand. “Your father is entitled to his opinion, and he isn’t completely wrong.”

  “He isn’t?” She asked, looking at Mason in confusion.

  “I agree that not all of my clients are the nicest people in the world,” Mason explained before turning his attention back to Charlie. “But I also believe, even those who live a questionable lifestyle, deserve a fair trial and deserve the best defence they can get.”

  “And the fact that they are rich helps, I bet,” Charlie added, and stunned Amelia. She had never heard her father so angry or hostile before. “Everyone has their price, right. I just wondered what your price is to help you sleep at night.”

  “Charlie!” Shannon said angrily, completely stunned by her husband’s behaviour. “Mason is a guest in our home.”

  “And I think it was a fair question,” Charlie replied matter-of-factly.

  “Daddy,” Amelia said, looking at him with shock. She could feel the unshed tears burn her eyes, but she quickly blinked them back. “What is wrong with you?”

  “There is nothing wrong with me, Sweetheart,” he said with a forced smile. “I am not the one who seems to have lost their mind, nor have I forgotten what men like Mr. James here did, when that little low life took complete advantage of you, Amelia.”

  “That has nothing to do with Mason,” Amelia shot back.

  “I just imagined my daughter would have higher standards, when picking someone to give her heart to,” Charlie continued. “That she would not choose to be the next in a long line of conquests.”

  Before Amelia could reply, the back door opened and Jeremy breezed in as he always had when he came to visit Amelia.

  “Good morning,” he chirped happily but then stopped dead the minute he spotted Mason sitting at the table.

  OH GOD! Amelia cried in her mind. Can this nightmare get any worse?

  “Jeremy!” Charlie exclaimed his whole demeanour changed the moment he saw Amelia’s best friend. “Now this is a pleasant surprise. I didn’t know you were back in town.”

  “Didn’t Amelia mention it?” He replied, looking from Charlie, back to Mason briefly before he returned his attention to Charlie. “I called by yesterday afternoon to see her. I came back to make sure she was okay. I told her I would call by today.”

  “No,” Charlie said briefly glancing at Amelia. “But then Amelia seems to only be thinking of herself these days.”

  “Okay,” Mason said standing up. Amelia could feel the anger pouring from him. “If you have a problem with me, that’s fine. I am used to people thinking the worst of me. But I won’t sit here and listen to you speak to Amelia like that. She is your daughter and she is desperately trying to please you, but you are giving her nothing.”

  “And what are you going to do about it, James?” Charlie said as he too stood up.

  “Mason, please,” Amelia said standing up in front of him and looking up into his face. “It’s not worth it.”

  “Amelia,” Jeremy said, looking at her like she was a stranger. “Are you really going to take his side over your fathers? So it doesn’t matter that he slept with Roxy?”

  “He didn’t sleep with her!” Amelia said turning to her friend, hurt that he would take her father’s side against her. “And this has nothing to do with you.”

  “And that’s exactly what you said when Chase Simmons filled your head with crap,” Jeremy replied abruptly. “And look how that turned out.”

  “Don’t you speak to her like that,” Mason said, making to move toward Jeremy, but again Amelia stood in his way.

  “ENOUGH!” Shannon shouted angrily. “This is my home and Mason is a guest in it. Amelia is a grown woman and she does not need your permission, either of you, to
date someone.”

  She looked from Jeremy to Charlie, then back to Jeremy.

  “Jeremy,” Shannon continued. “You are always welcome in this house, but I will not have you speak to Amelia like that.”

  “I’m sorry, Shannon,” Jeremy said looking very guilty.

  “Charlie, what the hell has gotten into you?” Shannon asked her husband. “She is your daughter and you are talking to her liked she is a stranger.”

  “Well,” Charlie replied defensively. “She is not acting like the Amelia I know.”

  “Because she won’t back down and do as you tell her?” Mason asked and Amelia gave him another pleading look.

  “Because the Amelia I know, would never be taken in by a low life like you,” Charlie snapped back. “At least that’s what I thought.”

  “Why not, Dad?” Amelia asked without looking at her father. “It wouldn’t be the first time after all. I will just stupidly fuck the first asshole that comes along, because he says the right things. Isn’t that what you really think of me?”

  “Amelia,” Shannon said, surprised by her daughter’s response.

  “It’s true,” Amelia said as she tried her best to keep control of her emotions. “Ever since the night Chase did what he did, Dad looked at me differently. He has made it clear he doesn’t trust me to make my own decisions. He treats me like this stupid, fragile bird and I am sick of it.”

  “And do you blame me?” Charlie exclaimed angrily. “When you take up with someone like this asshole.”

  “DON’T TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!” Amelia shouted angrily.

  “Amelia, calm down,” Mason said turning her to face him. “Please, I don’t want you to be upset.”

  “Then, you should get the hell out,” Charlie said in response.

  “I am not leaving Amelia while she is upset,” Mason replied without taking his eyes off her.

  Amelia stared up at Mason and she knew what she needed to do. She realised there was nothing she could say to her father to change his mind about Mason, but maybe there was something she could do to prove to Charlie how serious she was about him.

  “No, he is right,” Amelia said to a stunned looking Mason. “You should leave. You shouldn’t have to stand here and listen to his crap.”

  “Amelia,” Mason said and Amelia could hear the worry in his voice.”

  “You should leave, Mason,” Amelia said as her heart raced. She couldn’t believe she was about to say what she was going to say. “And if you give me ten minutes to gather my belongings. I will come with you.”

  “Milly, no!” Shannon cried. Amelia turned and looked at her mother as the tears she had been fighting, trickled down her face. “Please, Sweetheart. No one wants you to leave.”

  “Mom,” Amelia cried. “I love you but I can’t stay here. I won’t be made to feel like I am some stupid child. I have done nothing wrong, and neither has Mason. I have to do this.”

  “You can’t do this, Milly,” Jeremy said stepping forward. “You can’t walk away from your family, not for someone like him.”

  “I am not walking away, Jeremy,” Amelia said as she quickly brushed the tears from her face. “I am living my life. If you were my friend you would understand, you might even support me.”

  “I can’t support you making such a huge mistake,” Jeremy replied sadly.

  “Then it is, what it is,” Amelia said with a sad smile before she turned back to her mother and spoke. “Please understand, I need to do this.”

  “I understand,” Shannon replied. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  Amelia hugged her mother before she turned to Mason.

  “If you want to wait in the car,” Amelia said, blowing out a deep, calming breath. “I won’t be long.”

  “Okay,” Mason said and gave Amelia a kiss on the cheek before he turned and walked out of the kitchen. Amelia turned back to her family and gave them a sad smile.

  Her eyes briefly met her father’s. She wanted him to ask her not to go, tell her he was wrong but he didn’t. Instead, he just turned away.

  “I should go then,” she said sadly, before she turned and hurried up to her room.

  Ten minutes later she dragged two big bags of her belongings down the stairs, as she tried to convince herself that she was doing the right thing.

  Her mom and Jeremy were waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs, and it nearly killed Amelia to see her mother crying, knowing she was the reason. Her dad stood by the kitchen door but said nothing.

  “Sweetie,” Shannon said. “Please don’t leave, we can work this out.”

  “I will stay if Mason is welcome here, too,” she replied looking directly at her dad. He just looked away. “Yeah, I didn’t think so.”

  “Charlie, please,” Shannon cried. “You need to stop this.”

  “I have said my piece,” he said without looking at either his daughter or his wife. Amelia knew by his face that this was breaking his heart, but she needed to stand her ground.

  “Yeah,” she said, swallowing the huge lump of grief that was almost choking her. “That’s what I thought.”

  Without another word, Amelia opened the front door and turned back to her mom. She kissed her and hugged her tightly.

  “I love you, Mom,” she whispered.

  “I love you too, Sweetheart,” Shannon cried softly.

  “Bye, Jeremy,” Amelia said looking at her friend, before her eyes fell to her father. “Bye Dad.”

  She didn’t wait for a reply. She picked up her bags and walked out the front door.

  The moment Mason saw her, he ran up the path and grabbed the bags for her.

  “Let me take those,” he said watching Amelia closely. She couldn’t speak, instead she just nodded.

  She followed him down to the car and waited as he put her bags into the back. When he opened the car door for her, she turned back towards the house and saw her mom standing there.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Mason said, surprising Amelia.

  “Yes, I do,” she replied. She looked up at him and gave him a smile as the tears trickled down her face. She then looked back at her mother one last time and raised her hand, waving goodbye, before she climbed into the car.

  Mason closed the door, then hurried around to the driver’s side. Amelia couldn’t bring herself to look out at her mother as they drove away. Instead, she just buried her face in her hands and cried.

  Chapter 19

  “Come in,” Mason said as he stepped through the door of his penthouse apartment. He set Amelia’s bags down in the hall before he stood back and watched as she nervously stepped inside.

  She had been quiet since they left her parent’s house. First they had to go back to Mason’s hotel room to collect his belongings, then they set out on the long drive back to New York.

  About twenty minutes into the journey, Amelia fell asleep and Mason was glad that she finally seemed at peace in herself. He spent most of the journey worrying that she would wake up and realise the enormity of what she had just done, and insist on going back.

  Mason was happy she was coming back with him, it was what he wanted, but this wasn’t how he wanted it to be.

  He thought about Amelia’s father and the things he had said. He wished he could have said the man was just an asshole, and the things he said were bullshit, but in his heart he knew Charlie was right.

  He did work with some less than desirable characters, but Mason never had any dealings with them that wasn’t always above board. Yes, he was well paid, but he always acted professionally.

  Still, he wished he could stand by every decision he had made and say he had acted like a decent human being every time, but he knew he hadn’t, and that’s why he knew Charlie was right in a way.

  He didn’t agree with how he treated Amelia, far from it. He would have liked nothing more than to knock both Charlie, and his little sidekick, Jeremy on their asses for how they had spoken to Amelia, but he knew that Charlie was really only trying to look o
ut for his daughter, even if he went about it the wrong way.

  He needed to make him see that yes, although he might not have been the nicest human being in the past, how he felt about Amelia was a game changer. He just didn’t know how he could do that.

  “You must be starving,” Mason said as he led Amelia down the long hallway to the spacious living area. His home was bright and airy. Mason hated clutter, everything had to have its place, but his home was warm and welcoming. Mason was happy to be back there.

  Having Amelia here was very new for Mason. He had always made it a point of not bringing girls back to his home. This was his space, his sanctuary. He had always preferred to keep his long string of girls, separate from here. That was, until he met Amelia.

  Now, seeing her here, standing in the middle of his living room, it felt right. It felt like she belonged.

  “I am not really hungry,” she replied as she turned to look at Mason. She looked so sad, it almost broke his heart.

  “But you have to eat,” Mason pushed. “Maybe we could settle you in first, then we can order some food. A pizza perhaps.”

  “Okay,” Amelia said with a smile and Mason knew she was trying her best.

  As Mason picked up her bags, he had a thought. He wasn’t sure where she would want to stay. Of course he wanted her to share his bed, but maybe she would prefer her own space and he didn’t want her to feel pressured either.

  “Amelia,” he said as he turned to her and considered his words. “I don’t want you to feel under any pressure while you are staying here. I want you here as part of my life, and that means I want you to share my bed, as well as my home. But I do have a spare room which you are welcome to use, if it would make you feel more comfortable. As I said, I don’t want you to feel pressured in any way.”

  “And you wouldn’t be mad?” Amelia said looking nervously at Mason.

  “No, Amelia,” he smiled warmly at her. “I wouldn’t be mad. I just want you to be happy.”

  “Then yes, thank you,” Amelia said and for the first time since she left her folks home, she smiled. “I think I would prefer the spare room, just until we figure this out.”